Corporate Wellness Program

Research has shown that wellness program contribute to an increased in productivity of a company. Studies found that wellness programs contributes a decrease of 25% in absenteeism. Moreover companies with a wellness program have now moved from the simple return of investment based decision to a value of investment based thinking.

Simvolous Consultancy can tailor a wellness program that is unique to your company needs.


Pitfalls that Leads to Ineffective Wellness Program

  • Administering health risk assessments only. Providing feedback reports only does not motivate change.
  • Paying people to change their habits.  Does not achieve long-term behavior change and counterintuitively people do things that are irrational and even counter to their best interests.
  • Sending people to your health plan’s website. Many employers think they’ve offered a wellness program if they direct their employees to a website made available by their insurer.
  • Introducing short-term campaigns. Biggest Loser-themed events or pedometer challenges are random acts of wellness and are not very effective.

How to Avoid These Pitfalls and Acheive Your Company’s Objectives and Goals for an Effective Wellness Program

Simvolous Consultancy will assist using steps backed by current evidence-based research data by:

  • Establishing strong leadership commitment and support.
  • Building a culture of health within your organisation.
  • Real staff engagement.
  • Strategic internal corporate communications.
  • Planning smart incentives measures.
  • Proper program evaluations of effectiveness.

Get in touch and we can quote a tailored program to suit your organisation’s unique needs.

Want to discuss with us your organisation’s needs and goals? Fill out a quick form and our consultants will get back to you.